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The Women’s Health Study (WHS) was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluating the balance of benefits and risks of low-dose aspirin and vitamin E in reducing risks of cardiovascular disease and cancer among 39,876 U.S. female health professionals aged 45 and older. Other areas of interest include the role of aspirin in the prevention of migraine and the role of vitamin E and aspirin in the prevention of vision problems, including cataract and age-related macular degeneration, and cognitive decline. Although the randomized trial ended in 2004, the female health professionals who took part in it continue to help advance our knowledge about the prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases in women by completing annual study questionnaires.

To read about the main results of the Women’s Health Study, please click on the following links:

More about the Women’s Health Study

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